Raised in Africa with a strong passion for wildlife and rituals. Always loved photography, capturing the moment for eternity. Traveled around the world to find those special moments in space and time. Taking photos in the most exquisite locations, always looking for that special moment. From the jungles of Congo with the mighty gorillas to the sacred rituals in India.
For years I have been experimenting with the medium to present my art in a form respectable of the moment. After a long trial and error, I developed a special process to print on a material that is as special as the moment it captures - Strings. Strings, hand-woven, each capture a special and unique story combined with a unique printing process that brings the moment back to life.
I have developed a new media for printing. A long process of trial and error, research and creation. This is the result
I embarked on following the animal trails of Apollonia at all hours of the day to capture the amazing natural beauty existing there. Concurrently, I began leading a wide social campaign to stop the construction plan and to find a way to preserve nature.
As part of the fundraising process to support the Apollonia Eco park dream, I set up an exhibition to sell some of the photographs shot in Apollonia to fund the lengthy court process. It was a great success
I try to always be involved with at least one conservation project in which I dedicate both time and funding. It is important because we will leave very little nature for our children and we need to find ways to preserve more of our delicate planet.
To me a photograph is to capture the undiscernible…
An international businessman born in Israel, traveled through more than 100 countries, by foot, car, plane (as a pilot), mountain bike & scuba diving - photographing nature and its wildlife inhabitants. Raised in Kenya, the land of his heart, he developed a deep passion for nature and photography, seeking to capture the marvels of nature.
Rami has always sought to find the perfect balance between his professional career and the nourishment of his spirit, which to him means to protect and capture nature’s beauty.
In March 2017 - as part of a social campaign, to preserve a rare ecosystem in Israel, the Apollonia Fields, he led alongside a group of nature lovers, a long and difficult battle to defeat a plan to turn nature into cement. As part of the battle, Rami exhibited at the Tirosh Gallery in Herzliya, Israel, portions of his “The Secrets of Apolonia” work.